Universitat de barcelona facultat d economia i empresa
First, the logic of freedom justifies a defense of the financing of politics through private contributions. An interesting reason to justify it is that private funding connects parties with citizens, who can use the power of their pocket as part of their freedom of political participation, as well as having an informal, but powerful, mechanism over parties. However, if only this financing formula existed, the influence that contributions from a given source of financing could have had on a given political decision could be questioned and the function of the parties as aggregators of interests and institutions that convey the formation of the popular will could be broken.
Following the theme of political financing, Professor Kuhner developed the idea that Donald Trump, current President of the United States, more than an individual represents a system of government. And what kind of system of government? He went, in a stepwise fashion, reviewing three possible answers: 1) a democracy; 2) a plutocracy; 3) a kleptocracy.
Filosofía ub
Para llegar a ella, vaya a la vía Garibaldi y recorra el puente de agua (Fondamenta Sant’Anna). También se puede acceder desde la salida del Arsenale por el puente de agua que lleva directamente a San Pedro. Las estaciones más adecuadas de Vaporetto son “San Pietro” y “Giardini”.
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Sincronización de Redes de Sistemas Euler-Lagrange No Idénticos con Parámetros Inciertos y Retrasos de ComunicaciónPor: Nuno, Emmanuel; Ortega, Romeo; Basanez, Luis; et al.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL Volumen: 56 Número: 4 Páginas: 935-941 Publicado: ABR 2011Veces citadas: 221 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/TAC.2010.2103415
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Control basado en la pasividad para la teleoperación bilateral: Un tutorialPor: Nuno, Emmanuel; Basanez, Luis; Ortega, RomeoAUTOMÁTICA Volumen: 47 Edición: 3 Páginas: 485-495 Publicado: MAR 2011Veces citadas: 118 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.automatica.2011.01.004
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Ub física
Reorientación y dinámica aliada en agua y soluciones acuosasPor: Laage, Damien; Stirnemann, Guillaume; Sterpone, Fabio; et al.ANNUAL REVIEW OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL 62 Book Series: Annual Review of Physical Chemistry Volumen: 62 Páginas: 395-416 Publicado: 2011Times Cited: 166DOI: https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev.physchem.012809.103503
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