Horaris vida 2018

Cruïlla 2023

The following shows the historical data of accumulated noise level (energy average) LDía and LNoche, recorded in the 14 points of the Environmental Noise Monitoring Network of the Ministry of Environment.

The following graph represents the hour by hour arithmetic average of the accumulated data. This allows observing the temporal behavior from 00:00 to 23:00 hours in each noise station.

The figure shows the results corresponding to the total Equivalent Levels for Diurnal period (7:00 to 23:00) and Nocturnal period (23:00 to 7:00), for each of the stations that made up the monitoring network during the period 2018 – 2019.

The following figure shows, by means of an hourly map for each station, all the noise levels measured during 13 months, in this way, it is possible to visualize the hourly temporal variation of the whole period.

From the figure, the difference in levels for daytime and nighttime period can be evidenced as the stability of noise levels that are generated on roads with high vehicular traffic, for this type of roads it is clear that noise levels rise from 7:00 and are maintained until 23:00 hours where they begin to fall.

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Cartel del festival vida 2022

Entre mayo de 2017 y enero de 2018, RTP emitió una serie documental de 16 episodios presentada por Catarina Portas, mentora de A Vida Portuguesa. En cada uno de estos episodios de 25 minutos, se abrían a los espectadores las puertas de las fábricas que producen lo mejor que hace Portugal.

¡Gran, gran alegría! La web Shopkeepers pidió a clientes de todo el mundo que eligieran las mejores tiendas de 2018. Y una de las más votadas fue A Vida Portuguesa.  Aparece, con gran orgullo, en la categoría Tiendas de estilo de vida y muy bien acompañado.

Festivals spain – 2022

In 2002, the history of Remedios Varo was linked to MAM thanks to the donation made by Walter Gruen (1914-2008) and his wife Anna Alexandra Varsoviano (1927-2015) in memory of their daughter Anna Isabel Gruen Varsoviano: a set of 38 paintings and drawings, to which another oil painting was later added. Since then, Varo’s presence has been part of MAM’s identity; the planning of exhibitions dedicated to this extraordinary collection reflects the importance that the author has gained within the collection itself.

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This 2018, MAM celebrates one of the most significant events in its recent history: the bequest of Remedios Varo’s personal archive. Anna Alexandra Varsoviano贸 will stipulated that part of that archive would remain in the hands of the Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes / Museo de Arte Moderno. She, along with her husband, Walter Gruen, endeavored to promote Varo抯 work in Mexico and to build an important collection. Varo was Gruen’s partner from 1952 until her death on October 8, 1963.

Vida festival tickets

In Colombia, the highest levels of municipal multidimensional poverty are found predominantly in the Orinoco-Amazon and Pacific regions, and the lowest levels in municipalities located in the Central and Eastern regions of the country.

  Horario final four

The highest municipal multidimensional poverty incidence rates were found in: Uribía (La Guajira) with 92.2%, Cumaribo (Vichada) with 91.4% and Alto Baudó (Chocó) with 90.6%. On the other hand, the municipalities with the lowest incidence of multidimensional poverty were Sabaneta with 4.5% and Envigado with 4.9% in Antioquia and Chía (Cundinamarca) with 6.7%.

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